Die Suche ergab 112 Treffer

von Sergey
So 9. Dez 2018, 18:45
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Merkwürdiges Verhalten nach Browserbenutzung
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3425

CCC hat geschrieben:Issue is tracked by internal ID-number: HL1-20163...
I can confirm bug's fixing.
Thank's to Loewe.

Topic can be closed.
von Sergey
Fr 23. Nov 2018, 11:26
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Ein Lob nach Kronach
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 1455

Now I understand real priority of Loewe's tickets! Search function (most used feature on TV, as I see) - high priority . Impossible to watch H.265 TV channels due of deinterlacer issue (not used everyday of course) - low priority and no solution within 3 months. Average answer time from Loewe CCC - ...
von Sergey
Do 22. Nov 2018, 12:32
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: What is the difference between chassis SL412 and SL410?
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 1313

What is the difference between chassis SL412 and SL410?

Hello! As I can see in the datasheets, SL412 - is lighter version of SL410. In SL412 chassis there are no next hardware functions : Auto-Dimming Raum (OPC) Home Control Interface (RS232) IR-Link In SL412 chassis there are no next software functions , but they can be activated by USB feature stick: M...
von Sergey
Do 22. Nov 2018, 12:14
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Eurosport 2 HD DVB-S2: half of picture in PIP window
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 4399

Just for information.
Loewe CCC confirmed this issue and told me, that it has been linked to the already reported deinterlacer issue.
So, ticket number for this issue is the same - HL1-20292.
von Sergey
Di 30. Okt 2018, 19:08
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Neue Firmware 5.0.27 für SL4xx
Antworten: 122
Zugriffe: 45364

Mir ist aufgefallen das der TV öfters das CI+ Modul nicht mehr erkennt.... Ist da irgendwas bekannt? I can confirm almost the same. If I watch more than 20 minutes any channel which not use CI+ module and then switch to any channel which use CI+ module, then TV showing the message with error in CI+...
von Sergey
Mi 24. Okt 2018, 19:33
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

@Rudi16, thanks a lot for finding time for answer! Yes, you may be right, but if this form of modulation is afaik only used in Russia, it is pretty difficult for a rather small company in Germany to solve...because the reception of russian channels is mostly impossible here in Germany. As we know no...
von Sergey
Di 23. Okt 2018, 22:42
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Neue Firmware 5.0.27 für SL4xx
Antworten: 122
Zugriffe: 45364

It happened only 2 times and only with last firmware 5.0.27.
I can't reproduce it by my wish.
von Sergey
Di 23. Okt 2018, 22:31
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Neue Firmware 5.0.27 für SL4xx
Antworten: 122
Zugriffe: 45364

The same issue happened today again, but today there was no sound, but picture of last channel remained.
It seems to me like Loewe TV doesn't like too much channel switching anymore :)
Look video in attachment.
von Sergey
So 21. Okt 2018, 18:20
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Neue Firmware 5.0.27 für SL4xx
Antworten: 122
Zugriffe: 45364

- aus Timeshift heraus auf Originalzeit gegangen und Programm umgeschaltet, dann Bilschirm schwarz und auch kein Ton... I just saw similar failure, but without timeshift: I switched between DVB-S2 channels with P+ button about 25 times within 2-3 minutes and after last channel switch there was blac...
von Sergey
Fr 12. Okt 2018, 14:42
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

Using a different parser tool, I can now see the missing picture timing SEIs. So my statement here was incorrect. However, I noticed something different: pic_struct is not fixed at 11. @Rudi16, can you check pic_struct on all transport streams in the attachment with your parser tool? Some explanati...
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 17:20
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

...but if this form of modulation is afaik only used in Russia, it is pretty difficult for a rather small company in Germany to solve... But this form of modulation is made according recommendations of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute , which located in GERMANY! ...and this seems only affect a h...
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 16:46
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

I am afraid, that there is some misunderstanding between us due translation problems, because I don't understand german language and automatic translation - is not best way. Von Franken aus rauszufinden was bei deinem russischen TV Provider nicht stimmt ist schwierig. As I wrote early , this is not ...
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 16:05
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

@Pretch, I am sorry.
I actually still don't understand fully your internal processes and why official Loewe forum can't give me answer on such simple question.
I just wanted to get feedback more quickly, than after 10 days from CCC. If it is not possible, I am sorry one more time.
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 14:16
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

It is very interesting! In some cases you have access to ticket system, but in my case - no.
Why you can't ask Loewe such simple question via internal feedback loop?
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 12:55
Forum: Smart TV Apps
Thema: Internet browser don't show window for Apache Authorization
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3378

I am still waiting for answer.
von Sergey
Mo 24. Sep 2018, 12:53
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

I got next information from Loewe CCC:
Loewe CCC hat geschrieben:The issue is tracked by the ticket no. HL1-20292
Can someone of moderators check priority of this ticket? (direct answers from CCC take a very long time, about 10 days)
von Sergey
Fr 7. Sep 2018, 20:52
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

I already have sent link to my message to CCC. Sorry for using forum as files storage.
von Sergey
Fr 7. Sep 2018, 17:17
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: On HD HEVC H.265 DVB-S2 channels picture become interlaced in 50% cases
Antworten: 41
Zugriffe: 12001

For Loewe CCC

Loewe CCC asked me to provide 1 minute transport streams samples of HEVC 576i and 1080i channels.
I have made them using DR+.
von Sergey
Do 6. Sep 2018, 12:54
Forum: Chassis SL4xx (bild 1-9, Connect UHD, Art UHD, One UHD) Baujahr 2016 - ...
Thema: Loewe bild 7 schaltet sich selbständig aus und gleich wieder ein.
Antworten: 101
Zugriffe: 37238

golf47 hat geschrieben:Alle meine Filme sind jetzt weg, aber was tut man nicht alles zur Lösungsbehebung.
I understand, that it is too late, but may be you will use this next time.
If you have external USB HDD, then it is possible to export all films to external HDD before formatting internal HDD.
von Sergey
Do 6. Sep 2018, 11:34
Forum: Loewe News
Thema: IFA 2018
Antworten: 81
Zugriffe: 31765

Pretch hat geschrieben:Ob es in iPiP einen Kanal Scan geben wird weiß ich nicht.
Just for information:
I received an answer from CCC about my functions request:
Loewe CCC hat geschrieben:Features:
b. Blue button during iPIP: This is not planned.
So, as I understand, there will be no channels scan in iPIP mode.
von Sergey
Mi 5. Sep 2018, 21:14
Forum: Loewe News
Thema: IFA 2018
Antworten: 81
Zugriffe: 31765

Du kannst nun also ohne weiteres einfach das große Bild umschalten... By the way, @Pretch, may be you know, why Loewe doesn't want to return channels scan function for main screen in iPIP mode? I completely do not understand, who needs channels scan function in PIP window (by blue button), which ex...
von Sergey
Mi 5. Sep 2018, 15:57
Forum: DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T und der ganze Rest
Thema: Sat-TV Einstellungen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 10335

You are welcome!

And it was in my first message #2 :D
Sergey hat geschrieben:Try to use other cable from LNB for SAT2 TV socket.
von Sergey
Mi 5. Sep 2018, 14:54
Forum: DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T und der ganze Rest
Thema: Sat-TV Einstellungen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 10335

@sigimail, can you see the same HD channel in PIP window, as on main screen (for example, ZDF HD in PIP window and ZDF HD on main screen)? I think, you need to remove both CI+ modules and to check PIP with HD not encrypted channels. It will give additional information. PS. Put the information about ...
von Sergey
Mi 5. Sep 2018, 14:21
Forum: DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T und der ganze Rest
Thema: Sat-TV Einstellungen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 10335

sigimail hat geschrieben:Nicht HD-Sender + PIP Nicht HD-Sender
Which source used for non HD channel in PIP window? DVB-S or DVB-C or DVB-T?
von Sergey
Di 4. Sep 2018, 13:38
Forum: DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T und der ganze Rest
Thema: Sat-TV Einstellungen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 10335

What you see in the screen, when try to watch 2 channels with PIP? Which message? Something, like this?: https://www.loewe-friends.de/download/file.php?id=5950&t=1 If you really have Quad-LNB, then possibly one LNB is not working or line is broken. Try to use other cable from LNB for SAT2 TV soc...

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